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The Beacon Make Music Day Celebration

The Beacon (school) Park Farm Road, Folkestone, Kent, United Kingdom

As school is closed for a training day this year in 21st June we will be celebrating Make Music Day 2024 on Wednesday 19th June. Local musicians are visiting our school to demonstrate and workshop their instruments and pupils have a while Day of activities planned centred around Music.

Scotter Primary Music Celebration Assembly

Scotter Primary School Scotter Primary School, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom

Children from all key stages will be invited to perform in our celebration assembly. Parents, staff and children will also be invited to watch. This will showcase all of the musical talent across school, for pupils that have lessons both inside and out of school.

West African Drumming Workshop

Silvester Horne Institute 60 High Street, Church Stretton, Shropshire, United Kingdom

Adult djembe drumming workshop, learning basics of West African drum tradition.

Make Music Day Open Rehearsal with One Voice Community Choir

Penwortham Priory Crows Hill Road, Preston, Lancashire, United Kingdom

Let’s Make Music together! Make Music Day is the 21st June but we’ll be celebrating in the 19th with an Open Rehearsal. Join us at one of our rehearsals and experience an evening of inspirational singing, fun & friendship. Limited spaces available - contact us to secure yours: leaders@onevoice.org.uk

NULCO presents Making Music Day ’24

Wolstanton Methodist Church Grosvenor Place, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, United Kingdom

NULCO is putting on a Free public performance on 19th June '24 which will be recorded and then released online free to the public on 21st June '24 in support of the national Making Music Day.   The performance will take place at Wolstanton Methodist Church, Grosvenor Pl, Wolstanton, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Newcastle ST5 0HS. Doors open […]

MPN Big Gig 2024: Hello Sunshine!

33 29b Street,Dubai,United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom

Ten popular songs about summer and sunshine, arranged for beginner instrumentalists and singers. An amazing event with live band and hundreds of young performers! This is a hybrid event with livestreaming on the day available from our YouTube channel. www.musicpartnershipnorthnewcastle.co.uk

OHA Music Medley

Children in school will show off what they have produced during 'Make Music Day 2024'. They will perform to each other in school and share what they have learnt.

Make Music Day

St Leonard's Lower School Thrift Road, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom

We will be holding a whole school assembly where each class will be showcasing what they have learnt in their music lessons, or something they have been working on on […]

Sing Power!

ALFA Education Ltd Bolton, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

Our free music project for Make Music Day is called 'Sing Power!'  Teachers and students from ten of our fantastic schools will be singing and dancing along with our music […]

All day busking

DCCA Dover, Kent, United Kingdom

A busking stage in various parts of the school. music sessions with our SEND pupils. Music in assemblies.

Make Music Day 2024

Sunderland City Centre Sunderland, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom

The event will involve busking style performances across the city centre in different locations from 11am to 3pm. Additioanlly, various venues will be hosting their own music and performances.

Mawnan Smith School handbells event

During the day,all the children in school on Make Music Day will have a,go at handbells ringing,and present a short concert at the end of the school day to those […]


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