Get Involved
Anyone can perform on Make Music Day, it is totally different from your average music festival. It’s a DIY Music Festival where participants organise their own gig, or join organisations that are creating activity for Make Music Day. No invitation required, you are all invited to be part of this truly global celebration of music making.
There are only three conditions for your event to be part of the Make Music Day programme.
It must be free to the public
It has to be music (of any kind)
It needs to be performed (or first broadcast where digital) on 21st June
Be a Venue
One of the joys of Make Music Day is that performances can take place anywhere, from a major concert hall to a home studio. All manner of buildings and spaces have been used for Make Music Day from established music venues, churches, community centres, libraries, galleries, shopping centres, bars and outdoor spaces such as parks and town squares.
If you manage a space that would host some free live music on June 21st send us a message through the contact form telling us where your venue is and what kind of musicians you would welcome on Make Music Day.
Knowledge and Skills
To help make the most of your participation, we offer a number of resources on this site, everything from how to create a live stream to programs for making bespoke posters.
We run a wide range of workshops for our participants and we have an extensive library of resources to help make your Make Music Day contribution a success. Check out our resources page and sign up for our newsletter to receive news of new workshops and resources.